Why It's Time To Call The Final Lap On Greyhound Racing

The Public Must Know The Truth About Greyhound Racing

Gamban4Greyhounds is committed to exposing the truth and taking action to end the cruel practice of greyhound racing once and for all.

save dogs

The Journey to the Track

Overbreeding And Discarding Greyhounds:

0 %

of greyhounds racing in the UK are
born in Ireland

Up to


greyhounds are bred in Ireland annually


Irish greyhounds are killed each year according to a Greyhound Racing
Ireland report

0 x

The industry produces ten times
more greyhounds than are required
to race

A Greyhound’s Experience During Their Time Racing in The UK

white greyhound
Lifting The Lid On Greyhound Abuse

Giving Greyhounds A Second Chance

Overbreeding And Discarding Greyhounds:

sitting position of brown huge greyhound

Expert Consensus Against
Dog Racing

Animal Welfare Concerns:

The Scottish Animal Welfare Commission’s findings have led to significant recommendations against dog racing, highlighting the inability of current regulations to protect greyhounds adequately.

Mobilizing for Change

Political and Public Action:

Write to Your MP

Highlight overbreeding, the poor conditions greyhounds endure and the public's strong opposition to this practice.

Write to your MP in seconds using the template below, urging them to support an end to greyhound racing.

Raising awareness of the harm to greyhounds among the public will ensure we influence MPs and bookmakers to support a phase out of greyhound racing, improving the lives of thousands of dogs that are currently exploited by a predatory sector.

Writing to your MP will help us end greyhound racing
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